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Great Place For Your Mantel Clock

A Great Place for your Mantel Clock

Mantel clocks, also known as Mantle Clocks, were first developed around the middle of the 18th century with most historians giving credit to the French for starting the movement: soon followed by manufacturers in England. These first clocks were often very ornate, made in slate, onyx, and marble along with some wood trim and cabinetry, and were frequently decorated with metal hardware. It was common to put these clocks on a fireplace mantel, also called a mantelpiece. Between 1880 and 1930, a line of clocks with a newly patented black veneers became popular and many folks "painted over" their older, ornate mantel clocks with a black finish to resemble these new "modern" black mantel clocks. While the first decades of mantel clocks were expensive, luxury items, later on, they became more economical and popular in the United States. The mantel clocks often decorated the fireplace mantel, with some models running up to eight days before rewinding was needed. The mantle clock was and still is today a beautiful accent piece to any room. Remember the mantel clock got its name from placing a clock on a mantelpiece.

